Method Example

The Code

The code for the eigth class of Java is as follows:

package arraysExample;
import java.util.Arrays; // Import used to bring in Arrays class functionality
 * @author Eugene OR
public class ArraysExample {
     *  Simple arrays
     *  This was originally named Arrays but due to conflict with
     *  existing Arrays class, renamed ArraysExample
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int oddNos[] = new int [10]; // Declaring an array of ints capable of storing 10 ints
        int x = 0; // This will be used in the loading of the array
         *  We are now going to use a for loop to load the array
         *  with all the odd #s from 1 to 20 inclusive
        for(int i = 1;i<=20;i++)
            if(i%2 != 0) // This will only allow #s that are odd into the if
               // System.out.println(i);
                oddNos[x] = i; // Loading the array with the number
                x++; // Move the index up 1

         *  Next line uses the Arrays class to print the 
         *  contents of the array


        // Next line is just to demonstrate that we can change the 
        // value of an individual array space

        oddNos[0] = 25;

        // Next for loop is just used to print contents of the array

        for(int o = 0; o <oddNos.length ; o++)
    }// End of main
     *  Useful Links 
}// End of class